
New - State Governor's Primary Contracts

Forecast Contracts on State Governor's Primary Races are Now Available!

Take a position on key state primary races with IBKR ForecastTrader, and trade yes-or-no predictions on political1, economic and climate indicators. Plus you’ll earn 3.83% APY on your investment with an interest-like incentive coupon, and you'll get USD 3.00 when you start trading Forecast Contracts.

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Forecast Contracts on US elections are only available to eligible US residents.

The displayed future outcome probabilities and prices are hypothetical and only intended as an example. They do not reflect current market sentiment, expected outcomes, or the opinions of IBKR.

Which candidate will win the Democratic or Republican primary for the state governor's race?

United State Map

Trade Forecast Contracts from ForecastEx

Gain Exposure
While Limiting Risk

Forecast Contracts provide exposure to political, economic and climate indicators while limiting your risk because the max loss on each contract is limited to the price paid for the contract.

For each Forecast Contract you hold that expires “in the money,” in reference to the underlying settlement value, you receive a fixed payout of USD 1.00. Your max profit per contract is USD 1.00 minus the contract cost, fees and commissions. Forecast Contracts are priced between USD 0.02 to USD 0.99 per contract and quoted in USD 0.01 increments.

Open positions can be closed by buying the opposite side, so if you own a YES contract, you can close the position by buying a NO contract on the same underlying question.

Zero Commissions on Forecast Contracts

Forecast Contracts are offered at zero-commission at Interactive Brokers.

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Forecast Contracts Offer Payments Equivalent to Interest in the Form of an Incentive Coupon – Current Rate Is 3.83% APY

Forecast Contracts pay an interest-like incentive coupon based on the closing market value of the positions. The incentive coupon accrues daily and is paid monthly. Incentive coupons are currently paid at a rate of 3.83% APY.

Example: If you purchase a position at USD 0.50 and the market closes at USD 0.50, the daily incentive coupon will be based on USD 0.50. If, on the following day, the market for the same contract closes at USD 0.70, the daily incentive coupon will be based on USD 0.70.

Get $3 to trade Forecast Contracts

When your account receives permissions for Forecast Contracts, you'll receive $3.00 to try them out.

Washington Capitol

Gain Exposure
While Limiting Risk

Event Contracts provide exposure to key futures markets while limiting your risk because the most you can lose on each contract is the price you pay for the contract.

For each Event Contract you hold that expires “in the money”, in reference to the underlying futures settlement price, you receive a fixed payout of USD 100.00. Your max profit per contract is USD 100.00 minus the contract cost, fees and commissions. Event Contracts are priced between USD 1.00 to USD 99.00 per contract and quoted in USD 1.00 increments.

Interactive Brokers offers a low, transparent commission of just USD 0.10 per Event Contract. 

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Search results for Fed Funds Target Forecast contract. FF FORECASTX: US FED FUNDS TARGET RATE, Event Contract

Access Forecast Contracts Across Our Professional Platforms

Use our desktop, mobile and online trading platforms to monitor your existing positions or search for new Forecast Contracts.

Searching ‘US Presidential Election,’ 'US Real GDP' or 'Fed Funds Target' finds the contract, then clicking the search result provides links to our Forecast Contract trading platform. Toggling between trading platforms is seamless, and you do not need to log in or out as you move between them. For detailed info on accessing Forecast Contracts on TWS, IBKR Mobile and Client Portal, see below under "Already an Interactive Brokers Client?

Interested in Trading Forecast Contracts
at Interactive Brokers?

New to Interactive Brokers? Open an Account.

Interactive Brokers (Nasdaq: IBKR) is an automated global electronic broker that serves individual investors, hedge funds, proprietary trading groups, registered investment advisors and introducing brokers.

Our four-decade focus on technology and automation allows us to provide our clients with a uniquely sophisticated, low-cost global platform for managing investments.

Our clients enjoy low-cost access to stocks, options, futures, currencies, bonds and funds from a single unified platform.

Already an Interactive Brokers Client?

Request trading permissions if you don't have Forecast/Event Contract trading permissions but would like to trade Forecast Contracts.

Trading permissions are usually approved immediately.

Trading on IBKR ForecastTrader

  • Log in to IBKR ForecastTrader
  • Select a Forecast Contract
  • Click on YES or NO to trade
  • To search for Forecast Contracts, select the Markets menu and enter a description of a product
    (e.g., "Fed" for Fed Fund Rate, "cons" for Consumer Price Index, etc.)

Trading Forecast Contracts on Other Trading Platforms

Forecast Contract positions are available for review from any of our trading platforms.

You can also seamlessly access IBKR ForecastTrader from our other trading platforms. Click a trading platform to learn how.

Select the Trading Tools or New Window menu items and select IBKR ForecastTrader. To search Forecast Contracts, enter a description for product (e.g., "Consumer Price") into the Watch List field or Help/Ticker Lookup field, then select the product and Event & Forecast Contract.

Select the Trade button , select Search, enter description for product (e.g., "temperature") and press Return > Event & Forecast Contracts. To navigate back to IBKR Mobile, select the User ("head/shoulders" icon ) > IBKR Mobile menu item.

Enter a product description (e.g., "unemployment") in the Search field and select the Product > Event & Forecast Contracts menu item. To navigate back to Client Portal, select the User ("head/shoulders" icon) > Client Portal menu item.
  1. Forecast Contracts on US election results are only available to eligible US residents.

Forecast Contracts are only available to eligible clients of Interactive Brokers LLC, Interactive Brokers Hong Kong Limited, and Interactive Brokers Singapore Pte. Ltd.